Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Bánh mì

I had the Best Freeking Sandwich on Sunday.

The BFS came from a little shop in Wallingford called Boulangerie. Read about it here or here or here. The sweet smiling man who owns it is ALWAYS behind the counter. His croissants and fruit tarts are, in my opinion, simply the best in Seattle. He is Vietnamese - I mention his nationality because the other day I went in to his shop to get one of the above-referenced fruit tarts and saw a small hand written sign announcing something called "Everyday BBQ Sandwich. Fresh! Hot! Tasty!" I ordered one not really knowing what I was ordering, but then when it arrived and it was the most beautiful Bánh I had ever seen I was struck with a big "duh" -- of course! The French baguette, the roasted pork, the Vietnamese hot sauce and cilantro and daikon radish. I should have known! Holy crap -- for $5.99 I was blown away. I unwrapped it on my way home and I couldn't even drive. I was so busy scarfing it down, I literally pulled over to finish.

1 comment:

Gallimaufry Arts said... freeking sandwich.....