Saturday, September 15, 2007

Effin' Awesome Art

We have cool friends. Aaron is in the middle of some crazy never-ending art show where he send you passwords, which you send back and he mails you art. We have received 5 postcards (with awesome artwork) and 4 works of art. In my most recent email with our password I told him
"Not sure how you pick who gets which piece of art in this complicated project, but if you have anything of a polar bear barfing up a beautiful, beautiful rainbow, that would rock."
And oh, how it does. See for yourself.

Aaron is a genius. On a related note, his wife, Jessixa, who is also a genius, will be showcased in the next Pacific Coast issue of New American Paintings. They are the coolest married artists since Sonny and Cher, only with out all the beads.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Can he do one of a bird with a beautiful rose in her mouth and a beautiful painting in her talons?