Saturday, April 05, 2008

She's got Legs...

Here is (finally! Sorry Grandma Lolo!) the picture of the beana's legs I mentioned in a previous post.

Her feet are on the left, ankles crossed and knees tucked up to her head, which is tilted down. The toes just slay me! So cute! In the middle of the picture, around the knee of her right leg (the one on top), you can see a little bump that is her little hand holding her leg. It makes me giggle with delight.

Lots of things are making me giggle with delight these days. Her hiccups. Her rhythmic kicking when we play loud music. When she kicked Jon in the stomach when we hugged goodbye before work the other morning.

It's so hard to image that we only have 13 weeks left (give or take...probably give). I want to savor every minute of this part.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ZZ Top is so cool. But your girl is waaay cooler. I cannot wait to meet glad you're feeling good, Alex and that you're savoring it all!