Sunday, May 25, 2008


Not sure what to call this post -- "Baby catching up" or "Baby misc." would both work.

Grandma Lolo was asking about more pictures from recent ultrasounds, so I'll start there. I went in for my last one on the 20th and she looked perfect. Five and a half pounds, with about six weeks to go. I am starting to see why the last few weeks are reportedly difficult: She will be half again as big as she is now (at least!) by the time she is

This facial profile picture has her little fist up by her forehead. When the technician zoomed into her face, we saw her lower lip sweetly sucking in and out. This, like pretty much everything else in the universe these days, made me cry. These were happy tears, however, unlike when I found out the mattress we wanted for the crib was out of stock and we couldn't take it home that night; that time I cried pathetic, hormonal, sad tears. This pregnancy thing will mess you up!

Jon and I were officially showered last weekend. Thanks to the wonderful Newmans. It was super amazing. Everyone gave us the most wonderful things and we felt so supported and loved and happy to be surrounded by the folks that Tilia will know in her world. Krista and Grandpa Howie were sadly missed, but they will both be here to meet her when she is born...

We took mom (technically, she took us!) to Maneki and Sitka & Spruce, both of which were, as usual, amazing meals. Mom wrote my foodie Uncle Jay a 5 page hand-written letter about the latter. We also visited the farmer's market in the U-District and went rocking chair shopping. It was a huge weekend.

The SIFF is going on, and Jon and I have very little time for much more than the two blind picks that the Holubs will take us to in our annual "Movie Night with the Holubs Role Reversal" where they pick the films and tell us where to show up. However we are going to try to get "rush" tickets to one sold-out adventure tonight and maybe another tomorrow. We're trying to get all the movies we can see in before the bean arrives.

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