Sunday, April 20, 2008

Pesach Cake

I was charged with the task of dessert for Passover with the Newmans this year. I found the recipe I wanted to try here and, being a cheesecake-virgin, I thought what better time to liberate myself from the bonds of fear of cheesecake making than on Passover (and when I'm making it for 12 people? Easy!)

I bought a spring-form pan and Kroger makes kosher-for-passover cream cheese and the matzo cake meal wasn't too hard to find at JewFC. The recipe doesn't call for a water-bath, but I know from my mom that that makes the best, moistest cheesecake. The toasted almonds that were leftover from the crust, I left whole and sprinkled under the crust and on top. The results were freaking amazing, if I do say so myself. Not bad for a shiksa.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

She's got Legs...

Here is (finally! Sorry Grandma Lolo!) the picture of the beana's legs I mentioned in a previous post.

Her feet are on the left, ankles crossed and knees tucked up to her head, which is tilted down. The toes just slay me! So cute! In the middle of the picture, around the knee of her right leg (the one on top), you can see a little bump that is her little hand holding her leg. It makes me giggle with delight.

Lots of things are making me giggle with delight these days. Her hiccups. Her rhythmic kicking when we play loud music. When she kicked Jon in the stomach when we hugged goodbye before work the other morning.

It's so hard to image that we only have 13 weeks left (give or take...probably give). I want to savor every minute of this part.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Obama Abides?

Simply a pr move, but a good one in my eyes...I love the thought of ol' big ears saying, "Fuck it, Dude...let's go bowling."