Saturday, April 08, 2006

Holy crap, did he underestimate you!

Dear white, Christian, wives of soldiers, dwellers of America’s heartland, dear patriotic stock brokers who worked in Tower 2, dear wealthy, dear working poor who believe him despite their lack of healthcare that things are getting better, dear born-agains, dear soldiers and soon-to-be soldiers, and ditto-heads, dear women who don’t need control of their reproductive systems, dear Republicans and firemen and everyone else who thought he was a “straight shooter”; a President who “means what he says.”

I am writing to tell you that you have been had. This president thought that he could look you in the eye over and over and over and over and tell you lies. Blatant, huge misrepresentations of the truth to your faces, on TV, in public, in writing, in speeches he didn’t even write. About the war, about WMDs, about security leaks and about Saddam, about bin Laden, about the axis of Evil, about the United Nations and the Downing Street memo, about Swift Boats, about “Kenny-boy who?” about wire-tapping, about the anthrax, about Katrina and the levies, and about Brownie, about the election and the about privatized retirement accounts, about Medicare and leaving no child behind.

This guy automatically lies when his mouth is open. His default setting is Lie. And Smirk. Because he knows as long as you are forced with the choice of believing him or being unpatriotic, you will choose to believe him.

Every. Single. Time.

No matter how obvious and easy to disprove his lies are. He knows you would rather wave a flag and smile and cheer him on than rock the boat. The loveable idiot. (You or him?) Even if he’s wrong, he didn’t mean to be, so that means he wasn’t. He knows you will happily swallow it and chide those who don’t.

This was their plan all along. They knew this choice was too hard for you. They accounted for your sheep mentality and made decisions accordingly. Decisions to make you believe that we are in more danger now than we ever have been, to make you buy duct tape for your windows, to make you watch your friends and neighbors for any signs of being Arab (pronounced a-RAB with a long ‘A’).

And you fell for it. You stuck yellow magnets on your cars and attached cheap flags to your car’s windows and drove with PRIDE. These Colors Don’t Run. And you booed Cindy Sheehan and you watched Fox News and believed. Every. Single. Word.

All the while…
· The war is a mess
· There were no weapons of mass destruction
· The levies were predicted to break and all he saw was dollar signs for the companies of his friends and another chance to bankrupt our economy (which sounds like a conspiracy theory, but it’s coming fucking true!!!)
· He is friends with the a-holes who ran Enron
· Brownie wasn’t doing a heck of a job
· Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11
· etc.

Everything he touches turns to shit. Every company he’s run, every project he’s taken on, every disaster he’s ‘managed,’ every soldier who believed in the reasons for being over there…it all comes up shit and it will continue to come up shit until you prove him wrong about you.

How many times will he break the law, tell lies to promote his friends, make bad decisions with bad timing with disastrous consequences and you all look the other way. He’s a War President. He was just working on the information he had. He’s just stubborn…forgive him!

Stop it! Prove him wrong! Show him that there are consequences for breaking the law, for violating your trust. Look around you! Are you richer, safer, smarter, healthier and freer than you were in 2000? Fuck no! Dear American people, you’ve been had. You are now faced with the task of standing up and demanding respect. Don’t let him treat you like you are dumb. Don’t let them continue to ruin things for future generations and smile and smirk and “heh-heh-heh so I’m not your favorite person – go on.” You have failed so far, and you’ve lived up to their meager expectations, but now is your chance.

The President broke the law, not once or twice or even three times, but more times than we can count and he LIED to you about it. He wire tapped you illegally; he leaked classified information before it was declassified and stood up in front of America and told us all that we are too dumb, too docile and too scared to do anything about it.

To everyone who trusted him and thought he was right but now wonders, to everyone who is just now getting that they are the butt of Karl Rove’s cosmic joke, to everyone who wouldn’t vote that son of a bitch back into office a third time even if they could (he did talk about changing the law to make that possible, you know), please, I ask you if it is all you do today for your country, stand up and ask for the truth. Stand up and call your representatives. Stand up and refuse to be part of his master plan for making rich, white people even richer. Stand up and say we won’t let you get away with this anymore.

Please make the title of this entry correct. Please show me that it is true that you were UNDERESTIMATED and have hit your breaking point and will no longer sit back and be disrespected, devalued, deprived or disillusioned.

Dear fathers of soldiers, dear soccer moms, nurses and factory workers, dear lawyers and family farmers and bus drivers, dear compassionate conservatives and ranchers and and POLITICIANS. The time is now.

1 comment:

Logos Mori said...

Too true, sellam, Thanks for reading! -A.