Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Food problem

I am not sure what about this news story made me want to blog about it except that it is disgusting:
Hardee's rolled out its new Country Breakfast Burrito on Monday. It is a two-egg omelet filled with bacon, sausage, diced ham, cheddar cheese, hash browns and sausage gravy, all wrapped inside a flour tortilla. The burrito contains 920 calories and 60 grams of fat.
60 grams of fat. Seriously people, does anything about the phrase "portable country breakfast" sound good? No. No one should eat this. Period.

In other news, we spent the weekend with my family in Lincoln City, Oregon. We ate and walked on the beach and played Scrabble and rested. There are several traditions that we have tried to uphold on this trip over the years. One is that Jon and I stay in Portland on the first night and then go to Powell's the next day. We each buy the basic outline of our year of reading all in one trip. It's a book buying feast. Unlike the burrito, this is the kind of gluttony I can get behind.

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