Friday, October 26, 2007

Got Your Costume Yet? I'm going as something really a melting polar icecap

Bill Maher has a few good lines in this short piece on Salon. My favorite because it's oh, so painfully true:
This week -- as every week -- all the Republican candidates talked about was who was toughest in the war on terror. While the country's most populous state literally burned. The Democrats, as usual, said nothing, because they didn't want to offend fire.
Crap! He's so right, though! The Dems make me feel like we are watching a mockumentary that is the political clusterfuck these days, only it's actually happening. Christopher Guest is the President (all shakey and smirky) and he has his pet dog who has his own website. Eugene Levy and Fred Willard are the Democrats in charge, who couldn't pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were on the bottom and Jennifer "Soup" Coolidge is the President's vapid and glassy smiling wife whose cause might be something important like, "zucchini".

How far from the truth is that? Like most of Guest's funny movies, not very.

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