Saturday, July 31, 2004

The morning after...

Why did I start this crazy blog? Now it's calling to me. You must write write write. I guess that just happens...seems like a boring read for anyone but me and even then, I am pretty bored.

The thing on these blogs where you can click a band or an interest or whatever and see the other folks who put that particular thing down is interesting. The one that struck me as the most crazy was the band, The Midnight Choir, (as I write this, I realize that there are probably many bands called that, but whatever, lets just assume that we mean the same one) the one other person who has them listed as a band is some guy in Norway. They are a defunct local band, with a very loyal, but tiny following. The singer left and the rest of the members created a band called The Bad Things, which is great music, but very different. Anyway, I thought it was weird and random that across the world, someone has them on his list of bands. That's the beauty of this internet. Is there blog protocol for reaching out to the folks that put things in their interests?

Seems very Napoleon Dynamite. "Hey, you know that band too? Cool."

But it makes me curious about him. Mr. Norway, if you read this, please feel free to say hi.

1 comment:

-lin said...

Ok, so i'm not the mr Norway you're seeking, being a girl and all, but i DO have Midnight choir on my list too, so i thought i'd say hi anyway:

HELLO, i'm lin!

You're right about internet creating the strangest connections between people. For instance, i thought it was kinda funny that you're in Seattle. Not funny in itself, of course, but kinda strange since that's where i, another Norwegian, went to university... to uw, to be exact, and only for part of my bachelor. Still a coincidence, right?

BTW: maybe you're thinking of a DIFFERENT Midnight choir than the one mr Norway and i have in mind? This is "our" band:
Same one?

Anyway. Hope you're safe and sound and happy after you Scotland adventures!
