Tuesday, January 01, 2008

2007 Movie List

Some people golf. Others have pets. We go to movies. Eighty-three of them, to be exact --in the theater in 2007. My aunt asked how we can both work full time and see so many movies. The answer is just that we make it a priority every weekend and throw some weeknight ones in for fun. This was really a banner year, though and we'll never see this many again in a year, I am pretty sure. Not unless someone starts paying us to go. The full list of what we saw can be found on the movie blog. My top ten of the year are in bold, but here they are for a quick look:

Le Scaphandre et le papillon (The Diving Bell and the Butterfly)
Romance and Cigarettes
No Country for Old Men
I'm Not There
Across the Universe
Paris, je t'aime
Cha no aji (The Taste of Tea)
Tears of the Black Tiger
Pan's Labyrinth

With special, special mentions to: Control, Inland Empire and The Lives of Others.

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